Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sleeping Beauty or Life as a Dog?

This month, thanks to the early heat wave (sans a/c), has been all about the sleeping. Some might think - hey, that's the life, but no, not quite. Thanks to the pain, which wakes me up or keeps me from actually going to sleep, this has been a really yucky month.

It is all in the letters. The MS makes me sleepy and the RA (99% sure) keeps me awake because of the pain. It is either RA keeping me awake, or just the run of the mill MS pain - yippee.

For the uninitiated - MS = my pet MonSter - Multiple Sclerosis. RA is my newest friend that has been around awhile, but yet to be 100% confirmed - Rheumatoid Arthritis - it should be cleared up on August 9 (dr's appt). I don't have a good name for it but maybe Rebel Android?

So to recap - the MonSter keeps trying to knock me out, and the Rebel Android keeps shooting lasers at my left shoulder, both hands and my back to keep me awake.

Where are Spike and Captain John when I need them?

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